
Journal of Edification and Exhortation

Hello, my name is Clayton.

I’m an ordinary Christian guy living an ordinary life. No special ops training, no Master’s Degree, and I’m not an “expert” at anything (and I’m old enough to know it). But one doesn’t have to be “rich and famous” to experience the things of life: the good, the bad, and the ugly. This site is about sharing with you what has brought hope, peace, and strength to my life. My hope is that it may be of benefit to you also.

My desire is that the church of Jesus Christ be ready at His coming. That’s the underlying and motivating purpose of this blog site. In order to be better prepared, though, we need to learn to deal skillfully in life. There are temptations, tests and trials to overcome, personal quirks and habits to abolish, relationships to develop and nurture, and the many other facets of life to gain wisdom in.

I have no desire to be someones guru or spiritual life leader. I’m just sharing a portion my life with those who may be interested. Sometimes we learn important lessons from the most unlikely places. I hope this blog site may be of benefit to you.